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Irk Valley Community School

Irk Valley Community School

‘Welcome to our valley. We are proud to grow here together’

Peer Mentors

Pupil mentors aim to make a positive impact on the life of the school.  The purpose is:


  • To be used to support children when needed in class and at break/lunch time
  • Teachers to call on these children when needed
  • Adults to know who they are

The outcomes are:

  • Improved pupil self-esteem, confidence and behaviour
  • Pupils become more able to cope with life at school.


  • Mentors are trained to provide well-being support. These mentors run open door drop ins where they have wellbeing conversations using prompt cards e.g. ‘How are you feeling today?’ ‘What do you think would make you feel better?’ ‘How can we help?’ Answers are fed back to a member of staff who follows this up.

Our pupil mentors introduced themselves in the school assembly

Our pupil mentors made themselves known to the classes