Healthy Schools
At Irk Valley Community School we are committed to promoting good health for our children, their families and our staff. This consists of physical, social, emotional and mental health and will help support people in making informed decisions about their health and getting the most out of life. In conjunction with Manchester Healthy Schools we have taken a whole school approach to improve and develop the health and wellbeing of pupils by working on 7 thematic areas.
These contribute to the physical and emotional development of all members of our school community and help to raise the achievements of children.
Here are some of the ways we promote and develop the areas at our school:
Healthy Lifestyles
- A healthy breakfast club
- School meals that meet the School Food Standards
- After-school sports clubs
- 2 hours of PE weekly
- Daily Mile
Social and Emotional Health
- School council
- Support from external health professionals (Play therapy, Speech and language therapy)
- Participation in anti-bullying and e-safety campaigns
Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Participation in Children’s mental health week
- Weekly Circle Time lessons and discussion about children’s emotions
- A policy in line with DFE statutory guidance and a result of consultation with pupils, parents, governors and staff.
- A carefully selected curriculum that covers all thematic areas
Drugs & Alcohol Education
- Taught through our PSHE curriculum
- Parental information available on our website
Unintentional Injury Prevention
- Promotion of national safety campaigns within school
As well as policies for many of these areas, they are all taught through our PSHE curriculum and there is a lot of information available for parents on our school website.
Links and documents to support you at home: