We welcome volunteers who would like to help us.
In our valley, we have volunteers who work all year round and some who undertake voluntary work with us for a short time.
Volunteers use their skills to help us in different ways:
- Listen to children read
- Help with administrative tasks
- Manage our food bank
How Do I Volunteer to Help?
The recruitment of volunteers is at two points in the year: September and February.
There is an application process. Volunteers must undergo a placement interview before starting and provide two references. Volunteers need to be DBS checked. Once a placement is offered, volunteers must have:
- Induction
- Safeguarding Training
- Health and Safety Training
- GDPR training
- 'In-Class Support' Training
We ensure our volunteers are:
- Supported by experienced teaching assistants
- Assigned to a class teacher and senior leader
- Supported with college assignments and tasks
Some of the training we deliver to volunteers includes:
- Behaviour Management
- Supporting learners with SEND
- Supporting the teaching of Phonics
We recognise all the benefits of having volunteers in our school. We want our volunteers to improve their knowledge and understanding of the teaching assistant role as well as aid our busy school to meet its goals.
We offer one term placements, with review meetings to consider extension to two term and even full year placements.
Volunteers at Irk Valley may require a placement due to a course qualification (online or at college) or just want to gain personal experience.
For enquiries about volunteering, please contact Miss L Smith (deputy headteacher) at admins@irkvalley.manchester.sch.uk or call us on 0161 413 8707.
Feedback About Volunteering At Irk Valley
We currently have 10 volunteers from our local community working at Irk Valley. Our recent monitoring shows what a huge impact volunteers can have in the school.
Volunteer feedback includes:
‘I was comforted and welcomed into Irk Valley’;
'I have unlocked new skills and developed my confidence’;
‘I am very welcomed within the school and all staff are very approachable’
100% of volunteers said they have learnt new skills since volunteering here.
Staff feedback includes:
'Our class volunteer is very professional and asks if unsure of how to speak to children and parents in different situations. They are very caring and calm. They have excellent language skills and are very useful for translation.'
'Our class volunteer is growing in confidence and engaging with children more during lessons. A real strength is her feedback on how children have engaged and progressed during a lesson.'