At Irk Valley Community School we are commited to raising attainment of the pupils at our school. To ensure all pupils achieve their potential it is vital that they attend school daily. This attendance page will give you all the information you might need about attendance at Irk Valley Community School. If your child is not in school by 9.30am, they will be marked with an absent mark for the full morning.
For the benefit of your child's education, it is vital that they attend before and after any appointments they might have.
Leaves of absence during term time will not be authorised. Manchester City Council may issue penalty notices for unauthorised absence in line with the statutory attendance protocol.
Whole School Target Attendance:
School Attendance is currently:
Did you know?
If your child is between 5 and 16 years old and is a registered pupil at school, it is your legal responsibility to make sure they attend regularly.
If your child is 30 minutes late every day they miss 2 and a half hours a week.
That works out at 4 days a term and 12 days a year!
If your child misses 1 day of school a week they miss 7 and a half weeks a year.
This is more than a half term's learning!
Attendance Fun!
Attendance Assembly - Every half term we have a special assembly to celebrate all the children who achieved 96%-100% attendance. Each child receives a special attendance certificate.
Attendance Disco - Every term we have an attendance disco to celebrate all the children who achieved 96% - 100% attendance. Will you be coming to the next disco?