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Irk Valley Community School

Irk Valley Community School

‘Welcome to our valley. We are proud to grow here together’

Learning at Home and Through the Summer

To maximise learning in year 5, it is important that children regularly practise their key skills throughout the week and throughout the summer holidays: spellings, reading, times tables, arithmetic and for some, Lexia.

The following sites are invaluable in helping your child progress. They offer free worksheets and in some case, videos to help with key concepts.


Some sites require a login but the children are well aware of these and have them recorded in their Reading Records.


Daily 'Reading at Home', 'TTRockstars' and weekly 'Spellings' are critical in supporting their learning and I will be closely tracking children's progress on a weekly basis and feeding back home if children are not fulfilling these expectations. Children in the past have made up learning within support sessions before school or during breaktimes.