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Irk Valley Community School

Irk Valley Community School

‘Welcome to our valley. We are proud to grow here together’

Parental involvement dates

Summer Term


Over the next two terms we would like to work in partnership with you to support your children get the best out their learning experiences. To do this successfully, we would like you to be part of some of the activities we plan to do this term. 


Class Dojo  - All the time

We will be uploading the work children do throughout the day onto Class Dojo. It would be great if you could take a look and comment on how well the children have done. We will also be uploading photographs and videos of the children at work so you can see how hard they work.


Live Zoom meet - Summer 1

We would like to invite you to share your experiences of starting high school. Please can you contact the class teachers if you would be willing to share your experiences and answer the many questions the children will have. 



Live Zoom lessons - Summer 2

Once we have webcams in the classroom, we will be providing you with the opportunity to watch live lessons every couple of weeks. Please keep an eye on class dojo where we will post the dates, times and zoom links. 



Final exams - Summer 2

In the week beginning 28th June 2021, the children will sit their final exams for the year. A timetable detailing the exams will be uploaded on this page and on Class Dojos a couple weeks before the exams. 


Parent Read - Summer 2

In Summer 2, children will be learning to read and write horror stories. We would like some volunteers to read some stories live or to record their stories and upload it onto Google classroom for the children to enjoy. The stories will be provided by the class teachers. 


Year 6 Graduation - Summer 2

And we come to the end of the year where we say goodbye to our fantastic children. We will be holding a graduation ceremony (Covid permitting) in the final week of the summer term. Details of this will be uploaded onto this page, class dojo and a text message will be sent with the details.