Design and Technology
The leader for Design & Technology is Miss Watterson
What is Design and Technology?
Design and Technology is a practical subject where pupils design and make products to solve real and relevant problems in a variety of contexts (for example, the home and school, gardens and playgrounds or the local community.) Pupils should consider their own and others needs, wants and values. Children should design and make Something for, Someone for, Some purpose. The ‘Something’ is the product, the ‘Someone’ is the user and the ‘Some purpose’ is the task that the product should perform.
How Do We Teach Design & Technology at Irk Valley?
Design & Technology involves a range of technical skills which children develop over the course of their education. The technical skills cover topics such as Textiles, Cooking & Nutrition, Mechanical Systems, Electrical Systems, Structures and Mechanisms.
For more information about topic coverage and skill progression across the key stages, click on the links below.
Curriculum Overview
The Design & Technology curriculum requires children create products through a sequence of lessons, including Designing, Making and Evaluating. These products must be designed to meet a product specification and suitability measured against a criteria based on the intended users needs. The documents below detail how progression through these skills (design, make & evaluate) are taught at Irk Valley.
The Different Aspects of Design & Technology