Below are links to watch a short video modeling the end of year expectations in Reading, based on where your child is currently working.
Please note, two of the videos are the same, it's the questions we have supplied which are different.
We have also included some question ideas which we encourage you to ask the children whilst reading at home, could we ask you to sign your child's purple reading record each time you have read with or questioned them to evidence that they are practicing these techniques. Thank you!
Working Towards the Expected Standard: please ask them these questions whilst reading:
- Which character ______? e.g which character went to the shops?
- Where/when does _______ take place?
- What did _______ look like?
- Who was ______?
- Where did ________ live?
- Who are the characters in the book?
- What happened in the story?
- What part of the story do you like best?
Children should;
- Aim to be reading a minimum of 90 words per minute.
- Answer the above questions in discussion with an adult during or after reading.
- Read some common exception words.
Working at the Expected Standard: please ask them these questions whilst reading:
- Give one example of ________
- Which character ______? e.g which character went to the shops?
- Where/when does _______ take place?
- What did _______ look like?
- How did _______ feel? Why?
- Who was ______?
- Where did ________ live?
- Who are the characters in the book?
- Who is the narrator?
- Where in the book would you find __________?
- What happened in the story?
- What part of the story do you like best?
- How does the _______ help me to find information in this book?
- Why has the author organised the information in this way?
Children should;
- Read most words accurately.
- Read most common exceptions words accurately.
- Read words of two syllables or more accurately.
- Read unfamiliar words without undue hesitation.
Working Above the Expected Standard/ Greater Depth: please ask them these questions whilst reading:
- Why do you think _______?
- How do you know that _______?
- When do you think ________?
- How can you tell that ________?
- True or False
- Why did _________?
- How do you feel about ________?
- Can you explain why _______?
- What do you think will happen next?
- What do you think would happen if ______?
- What do you think will happen to _______? Why do you think this?
- Where do you think _______?
- Can you think of another story, which has a similar theme, e.g. good vs evil? Do you think this story end the same way
- How is _________ like someone you know? Do you think they will react in the same way?
- Can you relate this story to a personal experience of your own?
- Discuss the tone, expression and use of punctuation with your child e.g. parent to read the sentence using expression and the child to copy.
Common Exception Words: The statements listed above refer to the children being able to read 'Common Exception Words' please find those words attached in the following two documents: