In Year 5, reading is vitally important. Children will be expected to bring their reading books into school every day. Children will have the opportunity have an adult listen to them read and to change their book if necessary at least once each week. As well as this, we will be having daily reading lessons and other opportunities to read throughout the week.
All children are signed up to a fantastic reading resource called Reading Eggs. This can be accessed at home.
What do parents need to know about home reading?
- Reading books should be brought in every day. Children should have books available to read during the day with an adult: before school, during school, after lunch and during down times.
- Children are listened to read by Teacher or Teaching assistant during the week.
- KS2: Children should have a one-to-one reading session every week, unless their reading age is below their chronological age. In this case, the child should have a daily reading session. The book will match the child’s reading age and be the right level for this child to read independently.
- Any comments written by the teacher or TA in the reading diary will relate to fluency and/or comprehension.
- In Years 2-6 the focus will depend on their reading age assessment. If the child’s reading age is in-line with age, the comments should focus on comprehension. If the child’s reading age is below their chronological age, the session will focus on fluency.
- 5T children will have a list of possible questions that may help parents assess their child's understanding of the text.
- Bookmarks give ideas for comprehension questions related to books to share at home. To promote reading and positive attitudes school will hand out certificates, stamps, stickers and prizes.