Design and Technology
Lessons from Oak Academy:
Key Stage 1, Design & Technology, Mechanisms: sliders and levers Learn about: range of sliders & levers, moving parts, properties of materials,
Skip navigation Key Stage 1, Design & Technology, Textiles: templates and joining techniques Learn about: explore a range of existing products, joining, use design criteria, and making a final puppet
Useful Game Links:
Design Museum How many weekly DT at home challenges can you complete this summer?
Youtube A video platform for Design and Technology teachers, giving access to a wealth of D&T related videos
D&T TV A video platform for Design and Technology teachers, giving access to a wealth of D&T related videos, in one place, helping you deliver the subject in school. Videos may be career related, linked to D&T resources, training sessions or be simple “how to guides”. You will find news pieces, career progression clips, videos showing how D&T can be linked to industry and examples of real world D&T. A new member benefit so, some videos may be locked for members only to view. Join us to view all videos, and take advantage of our great