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Irk Valley Community School

Irk Valley Community School

‘Welcome to our valley. We are proud to grow here together’


Welcome to our Inclusion page!

We hope you will enjoy reading about the variety of ways in which Irk Valley Community School is able to support all our pupils to reach their full potential.


We provide a variety of interventions that support our children in English, Maths, speech and language, friendship skills, behaviour for learning, social skills, confidence and self-esteem. We also provide some children with play therapy interventions. We also have a range of before and after school clubs that offer additional enrichment opportunities.


Our interventions are delivered by our teaching staff, our teaching assistants and our learning mentors.

Equality Objectives:

Inclusion Policy:

Accessibility Plan:

The School Offer

The School SEND Offer, is information for parents, which helps them to understand what services they and their family can expect from our school. Please visit our SEND page to see the school offer. 


The Local Offer

The SEND Local Offer offers information for parents, in a single place, which helps them to understand what services they and their family can expect from a range of local agencies - including their statutory entitlements. 


Please click on the link below and you will find  information about national and local services and organisations which can offer support to Manchester families.  There are also details of clubs, groups and activities especially for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs (SEN). 

SEND Code of Practice

To see the SEND Code of Practice please download the document below.