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Irk Valley Community School

Irk Valley Community School

‘Welcome to our valley. We are proud to grow here together’

British Values and SMSC

We are proud and fortunate to be part of a diverse community.

We support all members of our school community to REACH for their potential.


Pupils 'REACH' to be the very best that they can be in a culture which promotes respect, excellence, aspiration, cooperation and happiness. (Ofsted 2018)


Respect - We are a Rights Respecting School and children know the Unicef rights of a child. Our staff and children are respectful to people and property. Respect is a value that is taught and rewarded at Irk Valley. Our school behaviour policy is based around the value of respect. Children are explicitly taught that discriminatory language and behaviour is unacceptable. They are taught how to discuss differences in opinion politely with others and how to resolve disagreements amicably through a restorative approach.


Tolerance of other faiths and cultures - At Irk Valley other faiths are cultures are not just tolerated, they are celebrated. Through our RE curriculum, assemblies and celebrations, children learn to appreciate and understand the beliefs of others.


Rule of Law - An understanding of civil and criminal law in England is developed through assemblies, our curriculum and through discussion with children. The curriculum is enhanced through special learning days around matters such as E-safety and Road safety.  Children demonstrate, through their consistently good behaviour, a clear sense of right and wrong. They respect the rules of our school and the rule of law.


Democracy - Children learn about democracy through engaging in democratic elections. Pupils have a strong voice in school and their opinions on school matters are  gathered through pupil voice activities. The results of pupil voice are used to make an impact in school.


Individual liberty and responsibilityPupils take on positions of responsibility with pride, for example school councillors and rights respecting ambassadors. Pupil groups such as our Eco team support others in learning about our responsibility to care for our wider environment. Pupils gain confidence in a range of social situations, for example when taking part in inter-school events or performances.